Paris on film - Best places to explore in Paris!

Romantic Paris… is there anything that could make this city feel any more dreamy?


Paris captured on 35mm film! Below are my favorite photos from my roll of film, a few stories, as well as some places worthy of exploring on your next trip!

The Metro is such a wonderful way to get around the city! In my opinion it is far superior to any other public transportation I have used in other large cities. The signs and instructions are easy to use, and the stations are all very clean. We did a LOT of walking, but we were able to see more of the city by using the Metro.

The Louvre is one of the most iconic museums in the world - one that is an absolute must when visiting Paris! You could spend multiple days here, but we just went for a morning. I highly recommend walking around the grounds before opening or after it closes, as the outside around the museum is absolutely beautiful.

My favorite moment was the window silhouette. A mother and daughter were taking photos of each other and the stunning view out the window. I loved capturing them because it so well encapsulates how it feels to be in that space, enthralled with it all and taking it all in.

A street candid, somewhere within walking distance of the Louvre. I love the visual curvature of the streets in Paris - something that is not common in the US cities build on a grid system of straight line streets.

One of the many winding streets of Paris.

Next up is Versailles! In middle school I was fascinated with the story of King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette and the fall of the monarchy. I had spent my whole life gazing at pictures of the palace, and imagining what it would be like to walk the rooms. Seeing it for myself met every expectation! The gardens, the ancient sculptures, fountains, and the breathtaking architecture… it was all so beautiful. I highly recommend listening to some podcasts about the palace and it’s grounds leading up to and during your visit!

Ev amongst some of the statues in the palace gardens.

Saint Germain was a favorite neighborhood. It is full of beautiful architecture, lovely boutiques, cafes and more! If you’re wanting to explore a nicer area, this is it!

From here we walked East to the Luxembourg Palace, and then Notre Dame. The gardens were so tranquil, and we paused to sit and rest for a while. I spent some time people watching and spotted this man asleep in his chair. I quietly walked over to him and captured this moment of peace. I can still remember how tranquil this place was when I took at this photo.

A man taking an afternoon nap with a gentle breeze.

Notre Dame. Sadly, it was still closed for remodeling after the fire, so we did not go inside.



Parc Monceau is a hidden gem that we visited on our last day. A couple of scenes from the famous film Gigi were shot here, and it’s an absolutely beautiful place. It felt far less touristy compared to some parks, which I loved. There’s a little carousel with kids playing near the entrance that is absolutely darling as well!

Cafe de Flore - a famous cafe located in Saint Germain, and a red moped parked out front. We didn’t stop and order anything, but I loved watching the people here and grabbed these two shots in front of this iconic place.

Cafe fe Flore in Saint Germain.

A picturesque moped parked outside of Cafe de Flore in Saint Germain.

A few random snapshots.
1. Jess in a green doorway. (we quickly walked away after getting yelled at by a man - he wasn’t a fan of us snapping a photo here… oops!)
2. A fountain in a park near the Petit Palais. (A stunning museum I recommend)
3. Ev after ordering dinner - what ended up being one of our favorite meals of the trip! (Le Bistro Marbeuf)
4. Ev journaling at our favorite coffee shop - The Coffee.

We walked to our local boulangerie nearly every morning for bread, croissants and all things delicious. This was the view across the street from Liberté. I dream about this place on a regular basis, and my gluten-free self is sad that the wheat in America has been ruined.

My biggest recommendation is to spend time exploring neighborhoods by foot, avoiding the main tourist destinations. This will give you a more authentic experience of Paris, and often leads to you creating the best memories that you could have never planned for!

Happy travels - cheers!


A 35mm Film Story of Hope - Maternity Photoshoot Nashville, TN


The one photo every destination wedding in Paris needs: put this shot on your photo list!