Tips for maternity photoshoot poses: 4 ways to capture magical photos

If you’re seeking a maternity photographer in Nashville to capture this unique season of your life, here are a few things to keep in mind for your photoshoot…

My first tip: Mindset is everything.

Now hear me out. I know that phrase is used often these days, but nothing can tank your ability to pose in front of the camera faster than being in a poor headspace. They could be the most beautiful photos ever, but if your head isn’t in a great space, there’s a likelihood you’ll overthink in the moment, and later be critiquing the photos to pieces, unsatisfied.

How to avoid this:

  • You are likely the only one putting an expectation or pressure on yourself to look a certain way. Go into this photoshoot knowing you aren’t supposed to look like a supermodel, and that allowing yourself to be yourself is what will add magic to your photos and make posing feel effortless.

  • Accept your body as it is. It’s ok if your ankles are swollen. It’s ok that you’ve gained weight. It’s ok that the tiny waist you maybe once had has disappeared. This is part of the joy of the uniqueness of this season! This is a state that represents the strength and beauty of a woman in a special way!

My second tip: When in doubt, utilize that sweet baby bump.

Majority of people don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera. Your photographer * should * be guiding you through your entire session, but if you begin to feel awkward, or are unsure what to do with your hands, try these ideas…

  • Caress and cradle your bump, envisioning you are holding your child in your arms. It helps to close your eyes and envision your child while doing so.

  • Trace your bump slowly with your fingers, or perhaps with a flower.

My third tip: Not every photo needs to be showing off the bump.

After all, this photoshoot is mainly about YOU. Baby hasn’t arrived yet, and you’re here to document this unique journey you are on as a woman and as a mother. Walk around, sway or dance! Take some portraits, or unclose detail shots! Do something - make pick some flowers, or recline and sunbathe for a couple minutes!

My final tip: Incorporate memorable things into your photoshoot.

This helps give you something to do so you don’t feel as though you are just awkwardly standing one position after another.

For this particular session with Nicole we celebrated the one year anniversary of her song “Faithful” - one she wrote after losing multiple babies, still believing that they would be adding to her family one day. We played the song, and she wrote out the lyrics to reflect and remember.

Maybe for you it’s a special dress? Maybe you want to write a letter to your growing child? Whatever will make this a special session for you, don’t hesitate to share it with your photographer!

As a Nashville portrait photographer, it’s my joy to help women feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera.

You are worthy of having your picture taken. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or whether or not you think you’re “photogenic”. Photography is about capturing beautiful moments, documenting life, and creating experiences for you to remember forever.

And you are worthy of that.

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